Certificate IV

Certificate IV in Leadership & Management - Leadership & Management Program

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Course Summary

Elevate your Career with Scala's Management Accelerator Program

This comprehensive 12-month accelerator program is for supervisors, leading hands and managers. ​Build confidence, friendships and careers.

It's time

Transform your leadership journey. No more going in circles, no more feeling overwhelmed. With our Leadership and Management Development Program, you can equip yourself with the strategies to lead confidently, drive results, and inspire your team like never before. Take the first step today. Enrol now.

Our process is simple.

  1. Get Started

    Our team will walk you through the sign-up process, answering any questions to get you set up and excited for your launch event, where you will meet the other program participants.
  2. Learn and Grow

    Participate in carefully curated learning content, workshops, events, projects and coaching with up to 30 participants in your group. Build your confidence, develop friendships and enhance your career.
  3. Graduate

    Reap the rewards of your effort with a DISC Advanced Leadership profile, a Certificate IV in Leadership and Management qualification in hand and an exclusive invitation to join Scala's Leadership Alumni network.

How This Works

Developed with extensive consultation and feedback, the delivery model, topics and outcomes of this program are designed to have maximum impact and enjoyment for participants from start to finish.

  • Four Modules

    Four engaging, 12-week topics are delivered over 12 months. Focused on clarifying your understanding and awareness, delivering practical high-impact workshops, planning days, and on-the-job practice and coaching to build your confidence and capability.
  • Lifelong Friends and Community

    You will spend the year with a group of participants as you interact and learn from your peers working closely together throughout the year, bringing a bucket load of energy, experience, ideas and support to the table. Building relationships, industry connections and friendships.
  • Interactive Workshops

    Join experienced facilitators, guest speakers, subject experts and qualified assessors as you interact and develop with large groups of participants like you in Scala's highly interactive workshops. Each is followed with a second workshop to reflect, share experiences, talk through challenges and develop individual plans that suit your specific role.
  • Learning materials, videos, and articles

    Carefully curated learning materials, resources, videos and articles to help you understand the theory behind the practice. Our online courses will build you up to succeed.
  • Online Support and Working Group Sessions

    What happens back at work is all that counts. We know that life and work will do their best to distract you from developing these skills. Join us and your peers online, or join working groups to receive more support between the workshops. Take it as a chance to focus on your projects or turn up to say hello. You will find these sessions are great at keeping you engaged.

You Get Access To

Sometimes, it's the little things that make all of the difference. This program is no exception, with carefully considered extras to ensure there is continuous impact and outcomes for all participants.

  • Coaching and Support
    We'll support you to make change happen with plans, calls, emails and visits to coach you through your individual journey.
  • Emails and Podcasts
    Some of us like listening to audio; maybe it kills the time in the car. Random topics, guest speakers and practical ideas are delivered in email and podcast.
  • Resources and Tools
    Our online courses build you up to succeed. Access video, learning material, articles and real-world tools to enhance learning.
  • DISC Advanced Leadership Profile
    Worth $140.00 - ​you receive your personalised report with online courses and workshops that will dive deeper into this great tool so you can master it.
  • Certificate IV in Leadership and Management Qualification (BSB40520)
    Graduate with a ​Nationally recognised qualification, proving you're capable of leading and managing teams and organisations.
  • Access to Scala's Leadership ​Alumni Network
    Access to special events, networking opportunities, discounts to corporate partners, future programs and courses.

What Is Inside The Program

Four engaging modules facilitated over 12 months to clarify your understanding and awareness, deliver practical workshops and planning days, and enable on-the-job practice and coaching to build your confidence.

Module 1
Influential Communication

In today's fast-paced environment, effective communication and the ability to train team members efficiently are not just skills but necessities.

Tailored for managers and team leaders, be equipped with the tools and techniques to elevate your communication and training capabilities.

Developed by Scala, the leaders in customer experience and communication training, this workshop is designed to have an immediate, actionable impact.

Topics include:

  • Enhanced Communication Awareness and Skill
  • Building Techniques to be Incredibly Influential
  • DISC Profiling and Behavioural Bias
  • Effective Feedback and Difficult Conversations

Module 2
Operational Planning

Being adept at developing and implementing operational plans is a game-changer for any manager. It not only enhances team alignment and focus but also paves the way for meaningful, measurable results that drive organisational success.

Learn to develop impactful plans, understand key business imperatives, and set meaningful KPIs. This module also introduces financial literacy skills to ensure your plans align with your organisation's broader purpose and goals.

Perfect for managers who want to lead more effectively and make informed decisions.

Topics include:

  • Build financial literacy and business understanding
  • Develop operational plans and measurable goals
  • Improve time management and prioritisation
  • Implementing a measurable profit-driving initiative

Module 3

Professional Development & Wellbeing

Professional development and wellbeing are crucial for leaders as they play a significant role in their personal and professional growth, as well as the success of their team and organisation.​

Investing in professional development helps leaders stay current with industry trends, develop new skills and knowledge, and improve their leadership abilities.

Maintaining good wellbeing, on the other hand, enables leaders to perform at their best, manage stress, and make sound decisions.

Topics include:

  • Techniques to understand and manage health and wellbeing
  • Managing stress and burnout
  • Unpacking Emotional Intelligence (EQ) techniques
  • Develop and implement personal development plans

Module 4

Leading High-Performing Teams

Teamwork is important for team leaders and their teams as it encourages collaboration and improves communication and efficiency. When team members work together effectively, they can pool their strengths and ideas to overcome challenges and achieve goals more efficiently. A teamwork-focused environment promotes a sense of belonging and increased job satisfaction, which can lead to better job performance and a positive workplace culture.​

By improving teamwork, team leaders can build a stronger and more cohesive team that is better equipped to achieve its goals and drive business success.

Topics include:

  • Organisational and team purpose, values, standards and behaviours
  • Leading team-based objectives
  • Establish and monitor KPI's and targets
  • Increasing accountability, measuring and reporting

Enrol Now.

Discover the power of impactful leadership and management training with our comprehensive program, designed for effective implementation and real-world results.

Upon completion, earn a nationally recognised Certificate IV in Leadership and Management (BSB40520) and join our exclusive alumni program for access to special events, networking opportunities, and discounts on future offerings.

Elevate your leadership and management abilities, reduce stress, and confidently manage teams with our transformative program.

Scheduled Course Dates

This course is offered 'on demand' or has variable costs and delivery features. Contact the Training Provider for further information and to enrol.

Need more information? Want to enrol?

contact training provider

Disclaimer Training providers are solely responsible for the quality and accuracy of content about training courses listed on the Keystone website. Keystone Tasmania publicises this information in good faith as a service to industry practitioners. All bookings must be made directly with the training provider BEFORE applying for Keystone funding.

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