Personal Information Protection Policy

The Tasmanian Building and Construction Industry Training Board trading as Keystone Tasmania is a body corporate established under the Building and Construction Industry Training Fund Act 1990 (Tas) (TBCITB Act). Throughout this policy, we are referred to as Keystone Tasmania, We, Our or Us. An individual is referred to as You or Your.

In managing personal information, Keystone Tasmania complies with the Personal Information Protection Act 2004 (Tas) (PIP Act), in addition to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) to the extent of Our obligations under that Act. This policy explains how We manage personal information. It also explains how You can access or correct personal information We hold about You and what to do if You have a query or complaint relating to Keystone Tasmania’s management of Your personal information.

What Personal Information Does This Policy Cover?

Under the PIP Act, ‘personal information’ means any information or opinion in any recorded format about an individual whose identity is apparent or is reasonably ascertainable from the information or opinion and is alive or has not been dead for more than 25 years.

Collection of Information

In carrying out Our functions under the TBCITB Act, Keystone Tasmania collects personal information, either directly from You or from other sources where it is unreasonable or impractical to collect it from You directly or where We have Your consent. For example, building and construction industry employers may provide the names, occupations and training details of employees to Keystone Tasmania in accordance with Our funding policy and process. Keystone Tasmania also collects personal information about individuals undertaking building projects that involve the payment of the training levy under the TBCITB Act.

We will take reasonable steps to ensure the personal information We hold is accurate, up-to-date, complete and relevant to Our functions and activities, having regard to the purpose of the use of the personal information.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

Keystone Tasmania employees are only provided with, or have access to, the information that is necessary for them to carry out their functions within Keystone Tasmania. Personal information is used only for the purpose for which it was collected unless the use or disclosure is otherwise permitted under the PIP Act (e.g. where the purpose of the use or disclosure is related to the primary purpose of collection and You would reasonably expect Keystone Tasmania to use or disclose the information for that purpose). Otherwise Your personal information will only be disclosed with Your consent or if required or authorised by law.

Security of Personal Information

Keystone Tasmania uses reasonable measures to protect the security of personal information it holds from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. These measures include the physical security of Our premises and access level permissions and passwords to restrict access to electronic records.

Keystone Tasmania destroys or permanently de-identifies personal information if it is no longer needed for any purpose, except where it is required to be kept in compliance with the Archives Act 1983 (Tas) or another Australian law.

Unique Identifiers

Keystone Tasmania does not assign unique identifiers to individuals unless it is necessary to carry out Our functions efficiently. We may collect a unique identifier assigned to You by another organisation, but we will not use or disclose it without lawful authority.


If You are making a general enquiry, it may not be necessary to identify yourself. If You want to obtain a service, identification may be necessary.

Access to and Correction of Information Collected

Under the PIP Act, You have a right to access Your personal information that is held by Keystone Tasmania and request its amendment if it is incorrect, incomplete, out of date or misleading.

To request access to and/or the correction of Your personal information held by Keystone Tasmania, You may put Your request in writing and send it to the Chief Executive Officer using the contact details below.

Overseas Disclosure

Some of Your personal information may be disclosed, processed or stored overseas by Us or by Our third-party service providers.

Where personal information is disclosed, processed or stored overseas, We take reasonable steps to ensure that overseas recipients comply with any applicable Australian laws, including the PIP Act and/or the Privacy Act.

Enquiries or Complaints About Personal Information

If You would like to know more about how We manage personal information or wish to update Your personal information details or make a complaint about the management of Your personal information, please contact Us using the following details:


Post: GPO Box 312, Hobart TAS 7001.

If You are not satisfied with Keystone Tasmania’s response to a complaint relating to the personal information protection principles in the PIP Act, You can lodge a complaint with Ombudsman Tasmania. The Ombudsman's Office can be contacted on 1800 001 170, by email at and by letter to GPO Box 960, Hobart TAS 7001.

If Your complaint relates to the Privacy Act, You can refer Your complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner using the following details:

Phone: 1300 363 992


Post: GPO Box 5218 SYDNEY NSW 2001


This policy was last updated in July 2024.