our stories


Displaying 6 of 19 Project stories
TasBGAS project card

North West Building Futures

The NW Building Futures programme is concerned with growing the supply of building and construction trade apprentices over a 3-year period.
MEGT project card

Launceston Apprenticeship Pipeline Project -Stage 2

The LAPP2 project built on the success of LAPP1 by supporting job seekers in Launceston to gain apprenticeships.
Migrant resource centre project card

Migrant Resource Centre My Building Diversity

The My Building Diversity project surveyed barriers to employment for multicultural youth in building and construction by interviewing employers, multicultural youth and apprenticeship providers.
Centacare Evolve Housing project card

Build Up Tassie 2021

This project supports young people from the Bridgewater, Derwent Valley and Glenorchy Local Government Areas through pre-apprenticeship training in building and construction, life skills coaching, and industry work experience.
Trades Women Aust project card

Diverse employment strategies

Several construction trade employers interested in employing diversity will undertake a 12-month diversity change program with Tradeswomen Australia. This online and face-to-face program will focus on changing workplace culture and strategic planning to promote employment diversity practices.
Trades Women Aust project card

Develop and implement diverse recruitment culture

In this project, Tradeswomen Australia will provide diversity recruitment training for organisational leaders, HR and senior site managers across several construction businesses.