Business Skills

Bullying and Harassment

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Eligible organisations and any training attendees MUST be registered with Keystone Tasmania to apply for funding. REGISTER NOW

Course Summary

This short session is an awareness session about bullying and harassment in the workplace. It is targeted at an audience that have low levels of knowledge about bullying and harassment in the workplace.


  1. Define and clearly understand terms and concepts related to bullying and harassment.
  2. Develop strategies and tools to stop and prevent bullying and harassment in the workplace.
  3. Be aware of, and understand the roles and responsibilities in relation to bullying and harassment to ensure everyone understands their responsibility and duty of care.


People who attend the session will have clarity around bullying and harassment in the workplace, have increased confidence in dealing with bullying and harassment in the workplace and be able to apply their policy and procedure to workplace incidents of bullying and harassment.

Topics covered:

  • Conflict styles
  • What is bullying and harassment?
  • The law and bullying/harassment
  • Bullying/harassment and personal impacts.
  • What to do?
  • How do I help or get help?

Need more information? Want to enrol?

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Disclaimer Training providers are solely responsible for the quality and accuracy of content about training courses listed on the Keystone website. Keystone Tasmania publicises this information in good faith as a service to industry practitioners. All bookings must be made directly with the training provider BEFORE applying for Keystone funding.

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