
Public Meetings 2021

Keystone’s 2021 Public Meetings were held in Launceston and Hobart during November. The meetings attracted more than 80 interested industry participants.

We were fortunate hear feedback from business owners, member associations, government representatives, education providers, and job placement providers.

Keystone Board Chair, Mr Norm McIlfatrick and Keystone CEO, Dr Karin Mathison detailed Keystone’s major achievements during 2021, and provided updates on proposed improvements to Keystone’s online applications system, major project funding, career information resources and the current Be Part of Building Something Big campaign.

Small group discussions focused on the topic identified as ‘highest priority’ by attendees: ‘Attracting new people to the industry’.

A range of barriers and opportunities to attracting new entrants to the industry were noted, and these will provide valuable input into Keystone’s support for encouraging the best and brightest workers into a building and construction career.

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