Published on: 16 June, 2023
Keystone Tasmania’s small but highly skilled team is passionate about promoting a safe, skilled, and sustainable workforce in the Tasmanian building and construction industry.
Our work, funded by a levy on building and construction projects over the value of $20,000, delivers value for industry via funding of workforce development projects and training course subsidy across all sectors of the industry.
Over the past three years, we have worked directly with Tasmanian industry to develop and deliver two award winning campaigns – Be Part of Building Something Big & A Woman’s Place. These campaigns highlight the breadth and depth of opportunity in an industry that is diverse and rewarding.
Keystone has funded more than 30 high-quality pre-employment and capacity-building projects that aim to increase workforce skills, grow diversity and create pathways into the industry.
Keystone has supported numerous stakeholder events, including career fairs, association awards and scholarships.
We’ve built a user-friendly single point of contact website for all your training information and funding access.
We’ve simplified the funding model so you can easily calculate the cost to you and contact a training provider directly. With those Training providers collectively offering the building and construction industry more than 800 courses with many of those courses funded at 80-100%.
We’ve made it easier to get training subsidy paid straight into your bank account once you successfully complete the course or activity – most payments are immediate, but none take more than 30 days. Did you know that in other states the average payment time for training subsidy is four months?!
More businesses and workers in the Tasmanian building and construction industry are connecting with training with Keystone’s support.
You may be reading this story because you have received, offered, or otherwise benefited from one or more of these achievements. If you've not yet registered for a Keystone number (to access funding quicker), click HERE.
Thank you for being part of building something big!