
HIA’s Mentoring Program

HIA recently partnered with Savant Australia to deliver and complete Part A of its Mentoring Program (Mentoring the Mentor) in Tasmania. This was the inaugural run for the program and by all accounts it has been highly successful. This program would not have been possible without vital funding from Keystone.

HIA’s Mentoring Program spans all sectors of the Tasmanian construction industry including residential, civil and commercial. The programs aims to build capability, confidence and competence through training and support. In the first part of the program (Part A Train the Mentor), we saw participants learn the fundamentals and skills needed to identify employees in need of mentoring, understand behaviour, emotional intelligence, communication fundamentals, mental health and the foundations of coaching.

This was achieved by participants completing a behaviour profile which generated three blended reports, two full days of face-to-face training as a group and finally a one on one coaching session for each participant. The sessions were highly self-analytical and many robust discussions and debates were had.

How will it help industry participants?

HIA’s mentoring program is aimed at helping candidates (mentors and mentees) to better participate and succeed in the building and construction industry through increased self-confidence and self-awareness. The program will support the development of strong communication skills, the establishment of a support network, and exposure to new and different perspectives, by learning to self-reflect and improvement of goal-setting. The second part of the program will apply these principles by delivering mentoring services to a broad cross section of the industry ranging from apprentices to small business operators. The program has a diversity focus and aims for new and improved workplace practices as an outcome.

The feedback received from participants of Part A was glowing and is testament to the broad appeal of the program:

“Fantastic course, I would recommend it to anyone leading in their occupation. It was very rewarding to have been a participant.” – Robert Watchorn, Blythe & Watchorn Builders.

I just want to thank HIA for the opportunity for this course. It was a very worthwhile course. Very well structured, with great content. Closing the course with a 1 on 1 was an excellent way to complete this.” – Scott Greenwood, Jim’s Fencing Franchisor.

The second part of the program (Part B Mentoring the Mentee), will apply these principles by delivering mentoring services to a broad cross section of the industry ranging from apprentices to small business operators and professionals. The program will also have a diversity focus and aims to introduce new workplace practices as an outcome. It will also cover the following topics:

  • Understanding Business Finance/Cashflow
  • Learning how to Grow a Business
  • Mental Health First Aid
  • Time Management
  • Leadership & Communication

How do I apply?

Expressions of interest are now open for Part B Mentoring the Mentee with funded places limited. The Part B program will consist of a 2-day workshop followed by 2 individual mentoring sessions with the participants choice of coach from the sessions. Financial assistance may also be available to help employers who release staff to participate in this program.

There will be 2 groups with sessions running on the following dates:

GROUP 1 - HOBART: 26 & 27 July, 8am-4pm both days.

GROUP 2 - LAUNCESTON: 10 & 11 August 2022, 8am-4pm both days.

Email us to register your Expression of Interest (EOI):

EOIs close 4pm, 8th July 2022.

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