our stories


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Harmony day 1

Harmony Day lunch

Our Harmony Day celebrational lunch was made extra special today!

Tradeswomen Australia's Supporting Women to Succeed

Keystone Tasmania was delighted to be a part of Tradeswomen Australia's Supporting Women to Succeed Launch on April 11, 2022.
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You’re invited to Be Part of Building Something Big!

As the state braces for future growth and development, Keystone Tasmania – in conjunction with industry – has launched a major state-wide campaign to encourage Tasmanians to consider a career in the building and construction industry.
Next Step Award

NAWIC Awards for Excellence - Introducing the Keystone Next Step Award

The Keystone Next Step Award supports a woman in the Tasmanian building and construction industry to take the next step in her career.
Public meeting 2021 group

Public Meetings 2021

Keystone’s 2021 Public Meetings were held in Launceston and Hobart during November. The meetings attracted more than 80 interested industry participants.
Trades Women Aust project card

Diverse employment strategies

Several construction trade employers interested in employing diversity will undertake a 12-month diversity change program with Tradeswomen Australia. This online and face-to-face program will focus on changing workplace culture and strategic planning to promote employment diversity practices.
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